Wednesday, April 22, 2009

pull the plug!

A few months, my computer got its life sentence. It took the form of a small pop-up bubble that comes on every time the computer starts up, saying "Java Update Available". Nothing against Java. But the pop-up bubble - the one at the bottom right of the computer screen - you know the one I'm talking about...

That bubble is a sign of impending digital death, or at least significant slow-down. Our circa 2003 laptop (Jurassic Period) has about 5 of these pop-up bubbles now. When I turn on my laptop, I can watch them come on one-by-one while eating a delicious breakfast omelet, because it takes about the same time to start up the laptop as it does to make a delicious omelet.

The point being, as soon as I fire up a new computer, it begins a slow death via an endless queue of updates, packages, etc. that sometimes manifest themselves as cute pop-up bubbles. I'm pretty sure most of these updates are excuses to make my computer run slower and slower until I give up and buy a new one with more processing power.

There's even a word for it.

"Planned obsolescence is the process of a product becoming obsolete and/or non-functional after a certain period or amount of use in a way that is planned or designed by the manufacturer." - wikipedia

How sinister!

Thank goodness for the "Remind me Later" button. The perfect passive aggressive tool against the sleazy manufacturers of planned obsolescence.


Dawn said...

Ha! Your first comment is asking, in a mildly irritating and big-brother is watching you way, the same thing I would...when you going to buy a new computer? :)

Megan said...

My 2003 laptop's life was over 2 years ago. It is a good thing that yours has lasted so long.

Sarah said...

Buy a mac.

Matt said...

This isn't planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence, for a computer, is when the hardware is designed to last for some period (usually about 3 years). The pop-up updates are just typical updates that software producers (not the hardware manufacturers) roll out. Some updates (like changing to Firefox 3 from Firefox 2), actually run faster than the old versions. Many also fix important security flaws--so you should probably install them.

Stapletons said...

Hi! Just saw Gabe at Stk. Conf!
Hope you're doing great!