Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We've been slowly piecing our lives back together since Xena's arrival. I have June 9th circled as the day things will start to feel normal (3 months old) and March 9th as the day things will really be back to normal (1 year old).

Genghis has gone back to his babysitting routine so I can get work done with Xena at home. This has been only moderately successful, since she doesn't take very long naps anymore. But Monday I got a full morning of work in while she had a super nap in the swing. Side note: She gradually slumped down lower and lower in the swing over the course of the nap and the tray wasn't attached. While I did go in often to make sure she hadn't slipped onto the floor, I didn't move her for fear of interrupting the awesome nap. I think this is a decision that a second-time parent is more likely to make.

That's all to say that I sit here tonight, with both children being asleep for the past 2 hours (and counting) and having spent that time making 30 percentage points of progress on my latest Kindle book, and I now wonder if I should try to do something more productive. But then I go through my checklist and things don't look too bad.

1) Somewhat well-rested (tonight's the night she's going to make it all the way through, right?)
2) House not a disaster (ignore piles of clean laundry that have been sitting around for 2 days)
3) Work mostly caught up (push back feeling of anxiety that I don't have any contracts lined up after the summer is up)
4) Church responsibilities at a minimum (enjoy it while it lasts)
5) Miscellaneous projects (I've sworn off of these for the time being - only the essentials until I start feeling bored multiple days in a row)

The fall-back option is to make some time for a thoughtful and witty blog post. But that seemed like a lot of work. So you got this instead.

And now I'm going to log a few more percentages on my book.


Megan said...

I think my #1 take away from being a parent is never messing with a baby's nap. And reading is way more fun than chores anyway.

Jen said...

I'm glad to hear that you're starting to settle into a regular/normal routine. In regards to laundry, I've found that the piles of clean laundry never seem to disappear but I take comfort that they're piles of clean, not dirty clothes.